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Based on 152 reviews
ENDOLLS - Indulgence

These help so much when I’m having a flare

I love this. It put my periods back to normal and shorter

This has worked wonders in my life. It put my periods back on track and actually made them shorter and regular after having irregular periods for 5 years and two surgeries.

Works! And has kept me off pharmaceuticals

I found out I had endo after about 10 years of suffering. It came on late in life. And after the Johnson and Johnson shot, my symptoms got WORSE. It was confirmed I had the disease in 2023, 2 months later, I scheduled the removal. Since surgery, I’ve been on ENDOLLS. My symptoms have dramatically reduced. Still there, but heavily reduced. One of the main things I’ve noticed is my hangovers. I’ll have 2 day hangovers which I’ll attribute to Endo, ‘thanks endo’. Anyway, the indulgence (I call them my Magic pills) make the hangover way more tolerable. Sometimes, I forget I was hung over that day! I went from 2 day hangovers to almost forgetting I had one! Now, that’s magic. It’s been about 6 months since surgery (which I’d highly recommend, then follow up with ENDOLLS and avoid hormone therapy, birth control, etc. I feel like my body is finally healing. Slowly, the endo is reducing. I was clear at my 3-month post surgery ultrasound, which is astonishing! I believe in, and heavily advise trying ENDOLLS, if you are on the fence…. Just try it for a few months. It worked for me. And it seems like it’s worked for many other women in pain. Even my doctor is impressed with ENDOLLS! She said, if it’s working, keep doing it! If my pain symptoms continue to lessen and lessen, that’s the end goal. And pain is definitely reducing, each period. Don’t leave home, without it!

Thank you Endolls!

Endolls helped me put my symptoms under control and live a normal painfree life. I am immensely grateful for that, thank you!!

Cautiously Hopeful

I have stage 4 Endo and have had numerous surgeries all of which only helped for a few years. It had gotten really bad again and was feeling really discouraged about it all and had been trying to find another alternative besides surgery again when one of my friends told me about Endolls. Decided to give it a try. While it hasn’t been an overnight miracle cure, I have found some relief with some of the most severe symptoms. It has also helped quite a bit with hormones/moods/mental. So although the actual physical pain isn’t gone having extra energy and better outlook definitely helps one to be able to deal with the pain side better! Still hoping things will continue to improve. Oh and I also wanted to comment on the zero side affects!! Every other meds I have taken have messed with me so bad I would usually decide it was worse than the original problem so I’m very impressed that I can take the full line of Endolls and have no side affects! 🫶🏼


I recently found ENDOLLS and realized that there's hope for women like me. While I am hoping to start a family, I like that the supplements focused solely on helping to restore our bodies and reducing the pain we are in. I'm on my second bottle and my pain and other symptoms have been reduced. The supplements arent harsh either. I'm thankful.her symptoms have been reduced. The supplements arent harsh either. I'm thankful.s hope for women like me. While I am hoping to start a family, I like that the supplements focused solely on helping to restore our bodies and reducing the pain we are in. I'm on my second bottle and my pain and other symptoms have been reduced. The supplements arent harsh either. I'm thankful.her symptoms have been reduced. The supplements arent harsh either. I'm thankful.

The Burning Path Ahead
Chelsea Peterson
So far so good

I’ve waited to write a review because I tend to be skeptic when it comes to supplement claims. Well I can say I’m done with my first month of Endolls and I’ve noticed a few significant changes. Bloating after meals has reduced, pelvic pain has reduced and I barely had any cramps with my period (usually they are so bad I feel light headed and faint). My period was pretty mild (4 days, moderate to light). I still have some discomfort here and there but I’m excited the continued improvements. I’ve had ablations and I’m doing everything to avoid BC so I’m going with it and praying for the best possible outcome.

The Burning Path Ahead
Shelby Moeller


Finally Natural Relief

I always look for Natural Remedies and am very happy to have found ENDOLLS. Just beginning my journey with ENDOLLS yet already feeling enthusiastic about the positive results this product has provided.

This changed my life

Honestly I’ve tried everything and nothing has compared to Endolls. I’ve had surgeries and medicines and Endolls came in and cleared everything out, my periods went from two weeks long to 3 days with cramping only for one! I’m so so grateful and recommend to everyone suffering. Stop taking those hormone pills, they’re the problem!

ENDOLLS - Indulgence
Mercedees Rodriguez

I’ve been struggling with endometriosis for several years now… the past 4 years my symptoms have been more severe unfortunately!
Over the past year I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis :( 😮‍💨 it’s has been a struggle but thankfully I found’s helps soothe my tummy & lift my mood plus gives me a bit of energy ! Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to help my endo /adeno bloat but nothing does which is really hard to accept but I don’t think there is anything at this point that will relieve my bloated tummy from this disease!
Knowing that there is no cure & it seems that the only options to manage endometriosis/ adeno are going on medication/ birth control or get surgery every year or so honestly is really frustrating… especially with all the side effects there are with birth controls…I don’t want to struggle more with other symptoms when I’m already struggling with others, basically I don’t want to add more problems to the ones I already have. I know how my body reacts with medications & i don’t want to put my body through more. So I love that endolls is all natural & makes a difference for my moods, pains, energy & soothes my stomach.
Endolls has the best customer service! Anytime I have had a question I’ve always been responded too quickly & they put so much care into everything! It really makes me feel that much more confident in ordering from their company.
Endolls products are definitely worth it! I highly recommend! & I will keep ordering from them myself! Thank you !

ENDOLLS - Indulgence
Cecilia Riggs
Feel like I’ve gotten some of my life back!

I’m still very new to this product but I have seen amazing results already and so have my love ones they can also see the product working for me!

Full of HOPE…..

So after trying all kinds of birth control, taking strong hormones to stop bleeding,( I’ve had twice, only having a month or two in between that I’d bleed for three months solid), had an ablation, been on medication for anxiety, ect. ect. ect. If you have Endo, you know this is only scratching the surface of what all goes on.
Once again I find myself bleeding, it’s been going on for four weeks , getting worse by the day, my mental is not good. I’m getting concerned that I’m gonna hemorrhage, I can’t just soak a maxi pad an hour for forever and just be ok. In this all , one evening out of desperation I googled natural remedies for Endo, not believing I’d find anything. I seen a few different things but I was like , probably not. Then, I seen Endolls!! I checked out the reviews, and was like WOW, if this stuff is even HALF of what they say, it will be worth it!!! After my husband and I discussed it, we were like , what do we have to loose?? My Dr. had some other hormone options for me but I just couldn’t hardly stand to go through more hormones treatment as it never made me feel good and it never lasted more than a month or so, and I’d go back to bleeding.
Next day I ordered. After I received it and started taking it , I still was having some issues. After consulting the ENDOLLS team (they’re amazing,btw) they told me a few different things to do in my case. Within ONE DAY I went from flooding to spotting. Also in time, I’ve added the Ruby Radiance to my regimen (as I’ve got a bit more of an advance Endo) and I’ve absolutely loved it. I’m way better off mentally than I’ve been for a long time, hardly any pain or cramps, and I just overall am feeling better and better by the week. SO THANKFUL, we found ENDOLLS, they’re the answer to many many prayers. I started out being very very skeptical. I was feeling quite hopeless that we would ever find any relief.
But….. I did. I have the most hope in this than anything I’ve ever taken. I love the fact that I can keep on taking it and there’s things I can do if I have a bad flair up. AND it doesn’t have any negative side affects. All in all, I’m sold on ENDOLLS.
My next step was a hysterectomy. So taking this for the rest of my life, seems quite easy compared to yet another surgery.
I’ve also never had such support or found someone that will bend over backwards to make sure you get to feeling better, the ENDOLLS team truly has your best in mind!

A miraculous break through from Endometriosis.

I just started using endolls and yesterday I had a physical flare up and the indulgence went right to work.!!! This was just wonderfully curated for folks like us. I can’t wait to get the full benefits, once I’m done with the first month. 😊

Amazing pills 5 stars!

ENDOLLS - Indulgence
Lu Bel
Very Happy

These are haven in a bottle. I am thankful I found them.

ENDOLLS - Indulgence
Haley Goodlett
A real lifesaver!

Having struggled with endometriosis, stage four, my main complaint is the brain, fog and fatigue. Nothing was ever able to touch and make significant progress. Until I found this product! Seriously, a game changer! Within a week of taking their supplement formula, significant difference, upswing, and energy and mood.. It is truly your product. I have been happy to standby and support, their customer service is the best out there! They truly have the heart invested in making the lives of women struggling with endometriosis better. Thank you for all that you do and if you’re looking for answers, like I was give this a try, it’s worth it!

ENDOLLS - Indulgence
Heather Hernandez
Endometriosis and adenomyosis

I was diagnosed with both a couple years ago. Kept getting a endometrioma on the left side. Bad heavy painful periods. After 2 surgeries to remove them I had a hysterectomy and removal of the left ovary. Thought that would solve the problem but it didn’t a endmtrioma grew back on the left side on scar tissue. They want to put me on orlissa and I don’t want to take it so I found ENDOLLS. I’ve only been taking it for a couple weeks and it seems to be helping. I get bad pain flare ups when I should have my cycle so we shall see then. The company has answered all my questions fast, shipping is fast so customer service is top notch.

ENDOLLS - Indulgence

This product is so helpful with my endometriosis .

This product is so helpful with my endometriosis

I love it

After doing research for 3 years and just hearing the only help I could get was birth control and surgery, I was so happy to find Endolls. I’ve had two surgeries and an ovary removed and have been on birth control for over a year and still had issues with irregular bleeding and pain and weight gain, so I was very satisfied when I heard this was all natural. I haven’t finished my duo yet but so far I feel much better than I did and have referred this to other women battling endo. I’m so grateful for this product.

ENDOLLS - Indulgence

I like these they have actually helped me alot! When pain is like a 10 it takes it down to a 5 or 6! I wouldnt know what to do without this entire product line! Thank You.

ENDOLLS - Indulgence
Kelsey L.
Love Endolls

I stayed taking Endolls because of issues getting the prescribed Orlissa after my sample amount ran out. Endolls has kept my symptoms in such a manageable level that's I sometimes forget about them!! When I was taking Orlissa I was running to take it each morning hoping it would work before my pain levels would make me puke. I strongly recommend this product and have suggested it to my doctors to look into as well.

ENDOLLS - Indulgence
Nikki M
I am impressed!!!!

I have been using this product for 3 weeks now. I am not experiencing any of the pain and discomfort that I normally experience with my endometriosis. I am so happy I found this product.